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Top 10 reasons to hire a Doula

Having a new baby can be stressful and scary. Research shows that hiring a Birth Doula can have major benefits and advantages in the length and experience a woman has while having a baby.

We all love a "Top 10" so here are my Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Doula.

  1. Knowledge and experience A Doula is a service resource for YOU. Their job is to take time to answer your questions, concerns, fears and hopes without without the time limit of a doctors office.

  2. Knowing when it starts and how to get through it Often women fear that they wont know when labor starts or that they will forget the things they learned in their Childbirth classes. A doula is on call for you 24/7 towards the end of your labor and does not mind nor care about false alarm calls or concerns about body aches vs contractions.

  3. Physical support Doulas are trained in the management of labor without the use of medications. They are expert coaches and have massage, positioning and relaxation techniques as well as other comfort measures they can use to help you get through the process of labor.

  4. Emotional support A Doula is there for you no matter what happens during your pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum period. They are a constant support base and foundation of care physically and emotionally.

  5. Doulas support partners too Pregnancy through childbirth can be daunting for a partner as well as a new mother. A doula has not only the new mothers questions and concerns in mind but also the partners. They can help a partner know when and how best to support the new mom as well as supporting them through the transition of becoming a new parent.

  6. Shorter labor time Countless studies have shown that having a doula at your birth can not only reduce the need for medical intervention but also shorten the length of time in labor. This is done through the coaching, comfort techniques and the complete and unyielding support.

  7. Continuous care from beginning to end A doula is only at one birth at a time. They are focused only on you and your needs. While other Birth Workers have numerous patients and places to be a Doula is there with 100% of their attention on you and what you need.

  8. Doulas have YOUR goals in mind One of the jobs of a Doula is to help you maintain the control in an often chaotic and whirlwind experience. Birth is a magical thing that happens at its own time and in its own way and no two experiences will be identical. Sometimes it is hard to remember or maintain what you want when things haven’t gone to plan or a wrench is thrown into the mix. A doula is an advocate for you and your wishes and can help you stick to your birth plan, explore all your options and help you make fully educated decisions by knowing what questions to ask and when.

  9. Trusted Resources and Postpartum Care During pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period a human body can go through a lot of things. Sometimes other professionals are needed. From acupuncture to placenta encapsulation all the way to lactation consultants and belly binding a Doula has countless known and trusted resources and can help you find the help you need.

  10. Better experience There is a quote, “A woman, as long as she lives, will remember how she was made to feel at her birth. -Anna Verwaal” Even in the worst case scenarios knowing that we made the best decision given the circumstances is pivotal in how we feel about an outcome. A doulas job is to ensure that you have the the best experience possible during your labor, birth and postpartum period.

Hope this answers any questions you may, or may not, have had and maybe moves you one step closer to feeling empowered and in control over your birthing experience.

Yours in all things,


Birth Doula

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